Monday, January 31, 2011
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Niena , ko clasmate n blockmate aq for 2years.. walaupun skejap tp GEMPAK SEYH !! sumpah aq akan rindu gelak ko yg dahsyat tuhh.. ko ske wat stunt2 yg gile.. aq pown naek gler. tp, tu la kenangan kite kan .. seyes aq syg ko niena .. mase ko kasi aq surat tu kan, ko tawu ape yg aq pikir.. "MESTI NIENA NANGES LEPAS NIEYH" gk2 btol.. da la aq x leh tgk org nanges, msti aq rase nk nanges gak.. ko tgk la, aq tgk cite melayu yg touching2 sket aq bole nanges.. Aq ingat lagi mase hari yg aq dpt tawu aq gi taiping, tyme tu kat bilk seminar. kite ade slot ape ntah. ko ckp yg sume nk tinggalkn ko.. huhu.. sumpah aq sedeyh NA, aq x tawu pown aq akan dpt.. mase cuti dulu, ko call aq semate mate suro bwat solat hajat untuk x dpt pkp.. sbb ko x n kitorg sume tinggalkan ko.. pastu mase tyme eleen, iekyn n ara nk wat rayuan, kotouching ngan kitorg sume sbb ko sedeyh kan.. huhu..
Pastu kan, tyme KIKS aritue, kat menane je mesti ko bwk UNO ko.. sgt bergune UNO ko tuhh.. boring je, kite mesti kluar kan UNO n maen seyap senyap.. kite berenam maen.. best kan.. aq akan ingat sampai bile2 uno strawberry shortcake ko tuh.. dah la comeyll.. pastu ngan kad trop yg grand tuhh.. fuhh.. mmg aq x leh lupe doe..
Nnty bile aq kat taiping, sape lagi yg nk mintak tolong aq bg pesanan kat ami.. or baek2 kan korg berdue balek bile org gadoh..sape lagi nk cite2 kat.. tolong aq setkan "MEETING" ngan syafiq !! pastu, sape lagi nk ajak aq gi toilet sbb nk btol kan tudng.. sape lagi nk tolong sting kan tudung aq.. sape lagi nk gelak2 besar ngan aq lagi.. sape lagi nk maen kene2 kan org n gelak2 kanorg lagi ngan aq.. sape nk "high five" lagi ngan aq.. huhu.. niena, aq rindu kaww !!
~ lepas nieyh aq x leh dgr ko mencarut da..
~ aq x leh maen UNO n KILLER ramai2 .. sbb ko la KEPALE nye
~ ngan sape aq nk tanye soalan MATH lagi
~ nnty x de org lagi nk jadi CIKGU VOCAL aq da..
~ bile aq ingat GIMRAMA je, mesti aq ingat kaww !!
~ aq rindu nk msg2 ngan ko , ko slalu tanye aq ade x aq msg ami ke x
~ mesti aq rindu dgr ko n iekyn nyanyi duet.. especially lagu PERLU KAMU tuhh
~ aq mesti rindu PUNAT BOM ko !! hehe
~ aq akan ingat ko bwat CARTWHEEL !! antare FSB++ ko je yg bole bwat kn
banyak ahh bende yg aq akn ingat niena, thnx taw sbb tolong aq gak slame nieyh.. surat ko tuh aq akn smpn ! huhu.. touched aq.. owh yeah.. aq lupe.. ko pown minat K-POP kan.. haha.. aq pown da mule minat korea..hehe.. tp aq minat lagu n MV je dulu.. mcm ko gak kan.. hehe. thnx taw ko bg aq cwn yg comeyl tu tyme birthday aq taon lepas.. eventhough pecah, aq ttp hargai doe.. huhu.. THANX TAW NIENA!!
Dude, what are you thinking man ?? Just stay with your current club.. Dude, transferring to CHELSEA , wont do anything good !! I hate chelsea, why do u want to make me hate you !! Dude c'mon man .. just clear your mind and RETHINK !! Liverpool's the best place for u ..
pheww,, i'm all better now !! GO RED DEVILS !! hehe
Sunday, January 30, 2011
You're the Apple to My Pie !!
OMG !! After heard the song , my mind automatically think of you.. Not that i never did.. Gosh, MISS YOU SOOOOOOOO FREAKIN' MUCH !!
That song is really really really sweet .. The words are cute ,yeah i can say that !
That song is really really really sweet .. The words are cute ,yeah i can say that !
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Dye memang hati kering !! Cube la marah dye ke, bertouching2 ke syok kat dye ke.. bknnye dye kesah.. dye bwat dekk je kan.. pastu klu ko gado, once ko tegor org tu but org tu x tegor ko balek, mmg ko x kn tegur dye dah.. wat pe kan.. mmg HEARTLESS lahh ko nieyh !! tp kan se heartless2 ko pown, ko still nanges gak mase ari last tu kan.. n mase hari yg kite dpt tawu psl PKP.. satu lagi mase SALAM JAMI'E .. susah owh nk tgk ko nanges.. precious sgt.. sbb aq tawu tyme tu mesti ko sedeyh sgt.. ko banyak gile tolong aq.. bwat keje skola same same.. ingat x.. kite bahagikan keje kite.. aq tiru ko, ko tiru aq.. janji siap kan..
mase form 2 aq salu gler naek bilik ko.. hari2 kan.. ade mase je aq naek bilik ko.. ntah ape ntah yg kite wat .. tp best sgt !! pastu ko kate , aq gantikan tempat niena mase form 3.. kite basuh bj tiap2 ptg.. lari2 balek skola sbb nk cop iron x bg bdk2 laen gune.. siap plan ngan makcik anum lagi.. mak cik anum pown da sekepala ngan kite..pastu pagi2 before gi skola ko mesti sidai baju ko kat line sebelah aq pastu ko la yg bg name2 kat aq.. mcm2 la.. bebola koridor la, pol la, baldi la.. tp yg paling bermakne is CHI.. melekat smpi skrg kan.. then aq rase slalu je ko ckp bedak aq capuk kan.. huhu
kite banyak gile share rahsie kan kan kan.. especially mase aq tido bilik ko ( nyebok je kan aq ) kite tido yg paling lmbt skali.. org laen sume da tido.. sbb aq slalu tido kat bilik ko, aq tinggal je aimi sorang.. aq rase bilik aq tu just tuk aq tukar baju n siap2 je.. yg laen sume aq wat kat bilik ko.. seyes, aq sedeyh bile aq x dpt bwat sume tue da.. aq ingat lg tyme kite gado ( aq rase aq mmg akan gado ngan org yg aq rapat la ) ko pindah duduk dpn ngan intan, awin n cappa.. ko saje je pshyco aq.. kite gado sbb aq tension ngan niena then tempias kat ko.. sory sgt.. tp last2 kite bae gak
~ ngan sape aq nk cite cite lagi...
~ ngan sape aq nk share rahsie lagi..
~ ngan sape aq nk BERJUANG lagi.. ko je la..
~ ngan sape aq nk luahkan rase x puas hati lagi
~ sape lagi nk ckp " chi nk cermin.. kejaaaaapppp je"
~ sape lagi nk kejut aq pagi2 suroh bgn
~ sape lagi nk kasi kaunseling kat aq
~ sape lagi yg bole tabah kan aq
~ sape lagi nk tangkap gamba bnyk2 n bwat muke burok2
~ sape lagi nak menari zapin lagi
~ sape lagi nk kasik aq tumpang tido kat umah n tumpang pegi memane jeee
~ sape lagi nak nyanyi lagu2 best kat aq
seyes aq akan rinduuu sume tuhh.. iekyn, aq harap ko x kan lupekan aq taww.. aq appreciate sgt ape yg ko da bg kat aq ; chopstick, bekas katak, baju petak2 ( ko mmg tawu la aq ske bj petak2 ) sume tu aq akn simpan.. walaupun angan2 kite nk study kat taiping same2 x tercapai.. ko bole bwat kat terendak.. just dont get tangled up with anything else.. huhu.. syg ko sgt2 !!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Start The Tears !!
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Nureleena Shafiqa Azlan |
Huhu.. gosh, where to start.. umm.. Eleen, sumpah aq ckp.. aq rindu ko gler2.. ko byk tolong aq wat tu wat nieyh.. kite suke gelak2 kan.. sape lagi yg nk sembang2 psl boys n haters !! I've lost my best buddy once now why is it happening again.. sobsob.. Banyak kite bwat slame 4 years kite bff.. thank u sbb terima aq sebagai kwn ko.. aq appreciate sgt2 !! Sory la ko mangse aq yg first tuk aq bkk cite sedeyh.. hehe.. I really hope that eventhough we're far apart, u'll never forget me okay.. ingat taw pesan2 aq sume.. jaga diri leklok.. aq rase cam nk nanges la.. huhu.. aq ingat lagi tyme kite gadoh psl bende yg BODOH sgt !! aq tawu aq yg salah.. sory sgt2!! aq x tawula nape aq yg oversensitive.. tp although kite gadoh pown, ko still nk kwn ngan aq n x brubah pown mase kite da baek.. ko slalu backup kwn2 ko walaupun dyeorg sakitkan hati ko.. ko x ske org ckp psl kwn2 ko.. tp bile ko benci someone tue smpi bebile ko benci dye kan?? haha .. pastu bile ko jln ko ske pegang lengan aq sbb ko ske pegang lengan org bile jln.. then, kat surau, ko slalu ckp " CHI, LUKIS CHI !! AQ NGANTOK LAAA !!" pastu aq pown lukis2 kat blakang ko.. mmg la penat tp da biase kan len.. Seriously i'm gonna miss all that..
~ I belikan nasi n air tuk u then u turun bilik i amek..
~Kite ckp2 psl boys2 yg kite suke . i bg comment u if u cite then u pown bg comment if i cite
~Dgr lagu sweet2 same2
~Interest kite same kan syg !!
~We talk about our baby canon
~We talk about our baby canon
~U tolong i mase i ngan ehemehem DULU !!
~I tido bilik u almost everynyte (kat blok j dulu)
~Everytime i dtg bilik u,, lepas balik skola, waktu ptg n before tido
~U ade bg dedication card, bwk mknn, bg baju yg cute tuu
~Cite psl MILEY, NICK, JUSTIN !!
Ngan sape lg aq nk wat sume2 tu.. then u slalu sgt nyanyi lagu nieyh bile KIKS !! seyes aq sedeyh gler everythime ko nyanyi
So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go
Wherever I go
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go
Wherever I go
i'm gonna miss u babe..
Today, i went to the CURVE with ma fam and watch this movie.. It's called
It's in 3D bebeh !! haha.. not bad la cite dye.. cool gak.. Smart pown bole la dikate kan jugak !! The movie starts at 4.30 and finished around 6.30.. lame gak kan..
then abes tu, gi mkn n beli sports shoe.. ye lah, my old one is ruined.. maklumlah, "ACTIVE" sgt kan.. dpt la sepasang.. quite pricey la gak !! then we went home.. arrive at 10 !! tros on pc n online.. ramai on tyme tu so mmg lame la.. smpi skrg nie ha.. x berhenti-henti chatting.. kejap ngan dye nieyh, kejap ngan dye nieyh plak.. huhu.. penat nk lyn sume.. tp nk wat camner.. rindu gler2 kat dorg !!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
HOME SWEET HOME !! but im not as excited as usual.. knowing that it's the last time being a MJSC Terendak student.. gosh,, seriously, im sad.. this is the saddest thing that's ever happened to me.. I MISS MY FRIENDS , I MISS MY SCHOOL , I MISS YOU !!!
HOME SWEET HOME !! but im not as excited as usual.. knowing that it's the last time being a MJSC Terendak student.. gosh,, seriously, im sad.. this is the saddest thing that's ever happened to me.. I MISS MY FRIENDS , I MISS MY SCHOOL , I MISS YOU !!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
School & Study !!
Gosh, how come time flies super duper fast without me, realizing it !! Huhu.. you'd probably ask if i had finish shopping school stuff , so im just gonna answer that quickly ... NO !! haha and it's the last day of te vacayy !! haha.. what i meant is, i havent bought the not-so-important things but i really do need them !! haha.. anyways, tomorrow, i'll have to set my brain back to the
settings.. haha.. well u know !! everybody HAS to do that !! haha
Saturday, January 1, 2011
YEAY !!!! *shouting as loud as possible*
Finally, my dreams came true !!
Thanks mom, thanks dad for this INCREDIBLE GIFT !!
wow wow wow ..
today's certainly my lucky day..
I get my precious baby , and MANU won today's match !!
BONUS !! and it never gets better...
I wanna JUMP again,
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