Tuesday, February 12, 2013

People come and go . . .


Seriously, i have never feel so close to a group of friends ever in my entire life. It all change when i got to go to a new school in taiping. So i guess everything DOES happen for a reason. People come and go in your life, but like they say, only good and great people will leave footsteps in your heart.

My fellow classmate are one of the best thing that's ever happen to me. I'm grateful that Allah chose me to be in that class. And im even more grateful that Allah chose THEM as my classmates. I never thought that complete strangers could change and effect you and your life.

They had been with me through thick or thin, during happy and sad moments. Happy sama2, kene marah sama2, sedih sama2. I wish i can relive all that. I miss everything that we did together. Malam2 after bacaan (kalau pegi laa~ kadang2 skip ramai2 kan, yang rajin pegi salsa, dona and mira. dorang slalu jadi wakil kita time bacaan kan?) kita akan kumpul kat dpn cube aku, x pun kat cube baby or awra. lepak2 gelak2 gossip2. Bila outing je, or bila parents sape2 datang malam tu mesti ade pesta. malam balik from holiday pun same.

Kita sume kuat membahan and kuat makan. Same goes with the guys. Same je perangai. That's what make us soooo close. Main poker and monopoly ramai2. Camwhoring , no satu kowt kita. hahaha. Boss slalu jadi photographer. kat ds tu kalau bole nak bisinggggggg je. tempat biasa kita slalu makan mesti meja yang second line, ade 2 meja mmg kita conquer. bila org lain amek rase mcm nak tibai je.

Bila study group tu kadang2 rase mcm bukan study group je, mane tak nye. Ade yang menari hindustan bagai, bawak makanan, bukak topik nak gossip. mmg x menjadi la.. tapi bab after homework cepat je jalan. memang kalau sorang dah siap satu homework, queue after tu memang berjela jela. hahaha

When i think about it, i will never ever find people like you guys. No one could ever replace all of you. Walau macam mane gila pun perangai orang lain, walau macam mane blurr skali pun. Korang jugak yang akan aku ingat. Sebab, the memory of enjoyment and happiness that i had was with YOU GUYS not with them. With them, i have to create another memory.

Yeah, so many memories within that 2 short years Yes baru 2 tahun kitorang kenal. But it feels like we've known each other for a life time. They are like my family. i never expect that 2 years would be enough for us to be that close. But God is Almighty and nothing is impossible if He wants it to be.

I love you guys and like what zam and syapek said *kalau x silap la* "Kalau mase boleh undur balik, aku nak korang jugak jadi classmate aku. Tak nak orang lain" Hope we will stay close eventhough sekarang semua nak bawak haluan masing2 kan. Ada yang dah belajat kat taylors, intec, inti etc but hope kita semua K.I.T laaa taw taw taw.



Thursday, February 7, 2013


Heyyooooo~ it's been a month oredy being a WIRAWATI NEGARA *lol* and the good news is *drumroll please*  I SURVIVEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD !!! YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! SRSLY, I cant believe that i actually survived the first month there without twitter, hangout with friends, free time, good food and all the other stuff. OhEmmGee !!!

sekarang ni, CNY holiday, dapat cuti seminggu !! weeeeeeeeeeeeee~ suka sangat. yay !!! seriously rase excited gila nak balik umah weyh. hahaha. Banyak bende yang nak cite. So, be ready je la.

TBH, the first time pegi tu mmg beraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat sangat hati ni nak pegi. Ye la mane taknye, dah la 3 bulan, then terpaksa procrastinate the things that i wanna do just to go to this freaking thing. So mmg sengaje pegi lambat and jalan tak semangat sangat. My first reaction bila nak sampai tu kan, haduihhh! Rasa macam nak jerit je. The camp is situated far inside a village. And the road itself can only fit ONE car. Jauh nun ke dalam sana tu ha. And i though, IM DONE. 

Dah la bila sampai tu, kete kene parking kat luar and we have to walk far to the office and others. Layout kem tu jauh2. Memang asyik berjalaaaaaaaaaaan je la. but now. alhamdulillah its better. sendiri kene pandai adapt la kan klu tak how can you survive right?

So basically, i'm WIRAWATI NUR ATHILAH IZZATI BT MOHD HISHAMUDDIN and my Index number is EP19. index number ni kirenye macam no maktab la. There are 4 companies. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Aku kompeni CHARLIE !! *charlie always the best, so the teachers say* duduk kat dorm E. Kat sana ade 8 dorm wira and 8 dorm wirawati *gila ramai* Each dorm wira ade dalam lebih kurang 32 orang and each dorm wirawati ada dalam 27 orang. So you guys , do the math.

Alll i can say is, the reason for this is that i got great friends. The ones that i'm really close to is EVA, EPA, ILLYA, YANA and AMY. Korang mmg best. x expect pulak dapat in ngan korang. pellik jugak kan camne aku bole rapat ngan korang. aq lain dorm ngan korang, but alhamdulillah! xde la aku rase bosan kat sane x de kawan.  tapi x leh nak kalah kan budak 511 doe. seriously, dorang tak macam korang :"(((( sob sob *okayy lap air mata* And thank god jugak afnan ade sekali satu kem dengan aku. atleast okay la sket. x de la rase macam completely lost ke ape kan.

Dapat kenal ramai budak2 baru. Best la. Thank you so much for making it great there. kat sana Dapat belajar loghat sarawak and sabah. hahaha kitorg ajar dorang semenanjung. Sebab kat kem tu just ade budak2 sabah, sarawak, selangor. Negeri sembilan ade aku and illya je. but kitorg bajet budak selangor. hahahahaha.

Aktiviti pun okay la. But penat weyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. srs.  kene bangun kul 5 pagi doe. 19 jam berjaga, 5 jam je tido. gila penat kowt. Selalunya time kat rumah rasenye 5 jam je berjaga lagi 19 jam tido. ahahahahaha! Naik gila ~ hehehe

tiap tiap pagi mesti ade announcement "BANGUN BANGUN BANGUN" dah hafal dah ayat cikgu hadhi nak kejut tu. hhahaha. rasenye kat every kem plkn same je ayat2 dia. dah la ade tepuk2 yang sama. macam comel je. hahaha.

So many things that i did while i was there. Padahal baru first semester. Kelas, Menembak, Hari Wilayah, Kawad, and many more. Just gotta enjoy it like what dad always say. Actually i do have some pics. Not much but it in my phone. We can bring camera there. I want to but i'm afraid that it will be stolen or got missing and things like that. Soooooooo ...

Stress jugak weyh kadang2. Ramai wira buat hal. Keras kepala gila. And the teachers kept on mentioning that we're the worst KUMPULAN 1 everrrrrrr~ *mmg batch aku kene bala raasenye. Since sekolah lagi asyik kene camni* but, hope everything's gonna be better. hmmm~ BIASE LA TU KAN. MANE ADE TEMPAT YANG KITA PEGI TAK STRESS. EVEN NAK PEGI TOILET PUN KADANG2 BOLE JADI STRESS KAN.

but overall, ins sha Allah everything will be okay. lagi banyak aktiviti yang kitorg akan buat . so cant wait. Cewahh cant wait konon, padahal mase kat kem tu, hari2 buat countdown nak blah dari kem tu. siap buat dikir barat lagi. hahaha. tu la dia , jadi gila kalau ngan si eva, epa, yana, illya and amy tu.

Pray for the best for me okayyy :) I'll tell you more about it in some other entry. Cheerio :)