Okey !! this thing act, happened yesterday (11.12.11) My family and iwent to MIDVALLEY MEGAMALL to watch movies. Our movies is at 9.20 so before that, my sis and i went to A CUT ABOVE to get our hair done. Congratz to our

So, after we were seated, the stylist came and consult us about what they will do. My stylist is a woman. Her tag says :
Dina's stylist is a guy. He said that Dina is pretty with short hair because of her face shape. So he said that he's gonna make SOMETHING LIKE a bob-cut like style
While me on the other hand, she said that my hair has the natural wave and it's thin * tipuu tipuu* but she said that i cant have too short hair coz it will make my hair like > kembang2 gituu* haha..( oke nieyh pown tipu gak )

After deciding our style, we had our hair shampooed, then cut.. Lastly, 2 men blow dry my hair * i feel like a super star* Then, miss jess chin gave some finishing touch and VOILA .... a totally completely

At home, we showed it to ayah and the others.. They all really liked it.. bajet

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