Oke, hey guys.. sory it took me a while making this entry.. so i wanna tell about my vacayy last week (13.12.11 - 17.12.11) to GCM and USS. I enjoyed my vacayy very much. Probably it was the best vacayy ever.. SO FAR !! haha..
WARNING : This few entries that i'll post might be a pretty long one

13.12.11 - 15.12.11 :
Last tuesday, my family and i went to GCM. Yeah lots of people ask me what is GCM. penat da nk jwb. It actually stands for
Gold Coast Morib. So we had fun there. Oke la gak tmpt tu. Its not like Sunway Lagoon or something but to have fun, its act a nice place to be. One the 15th , we went off to JB !!

16.12.11 :
The whole day, we spent in
USS (Universal Studios Singapore) it was super duper fun. We rode all the rides and the main attraction. The new Transformers was the most tiring-but-worth it of all. Haha. Well, to know more about it, read it in my sis blog. Im just going to link it coz im kinda lazy to blog about it and coz its late already *so two reasons*

I know, its not me but there's been technical error when i tried uploading my pics, so i kinda pissed off

.. hehe..
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