Gosh, sumpah nyesal. Eventhough that it was NEVER MY CUP OF TEA but i thought that that movie is something different that may can change my - i mean, my family's- perception towards malay movies.
Imagine, it's ur first time watching malay movies in the cinema *'cause all this while ur firm with ur thoughts, and u agree to watch this movies coz u though it might be actually good* but the come back is unbelievably upside-down.. and u know what, that "good mind" i had just flowed away like water !! ergh..

Not a good production, no i mean SCRIPT.. yeah, i have to say that the script is crap.. no one in this entire malaysia talk like that.. like hello.. wake up dude.. we're not living in the 20's or whatever.. Stakat lagu je bez alamak aiihhh ..

Da la, im

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