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mcm comeyl je kucing nieyh !! |
Haha.. dont think about CURSES or whatever.. That 4-letter-word is act EXAM !! hoyeah !! Seyezly.. exam aritu mcm ape je doe..
haha.. mmg x tawu la nk ckp ape.. phys tuff owh !! thank god objective.. so mmg "bang bang" la yg mane yg x tawu tu.. bkn x tawu, tp confuse !! hehe *cover je* phys da la ptg , naseb baek x ngantok.. exam aritu aq x ngantok sgt eventhough almost hari2 tido kul 4.. x sehat btol amalan ni.. guys, jgn ikowt yea !! hehe..
Second day : PHYSICS 2 + ENGLISH
structure bole la thn.. tp essay agk tuff especially bab yg pilih2 tu.. hehe... x tawu nk jwb ape.. reda je la ayt mcm keling.. hehe.. then english paper 1 bole la jwb.. directed writing blasah je.. the prob is kt continuous writhing.. mcm harr je.. sumpah mraou gile.. da la tajuk yg aq pilih ntah pape.. "if i were a millionaire" haha.. x tawu la merapu je ..
Third day : SIVIK + MODMATHS
URMM.. yg nieyh no comment.. bole bwat kowt.. kowt !! tp yg psti Sivik aq yg last skali hanta.. konon nye nk wat the right choice la tu.. hehe.. pape pown da usaha an !!
Fourth day : CHEM + SEJARAH
hari yg paling kritikal tuk aq.. da la due2 subject bace.. mmg mati la.. aq mmg focus kat sejarah la.. bkn ape.. aq nieyh bab2 sejarah nieyh 'SLOW' sket.. x minat langsung doe * kpd cikgu2 sejarah, sorry ye* mmg x minat langsung.. x tawu c,ne nk minatkan.. huhu.. mmg depend on spot questions je.. mcm harr en?? hehe..
Fifth day : ADDMATHS + PJK + PAI 1
hari nieyh pown aq struggle gak.. addmaths mmg aq x leh bwat.. honestly aq ckp.. x osem lgsung soalan dye.. nanges aq jwb.. huhu.. after paper +maths tu tros text my parentz.. then my dad called, nanges tros kat dye !! then, my parentz said to forget bout it n focus on the next papers.. luv them !!
Sixth day ; PAI 2 + BIOLOGY
hari nieyh mmg sumpah jelez gile ngan bdk2 RC n ACCNT sbb dorg satu paper je amek.. da la sejam 40 minit je.. huhu.. mmg heaven gile dorg hari tu.. bdk2 bio yg terseksa.. x pe, next year dorg plak exam lmbt tyme SPM nnty kay.. haha.. bio mmg rase otak aq tepu bace all the facts !! huhu.. siap stay back lagi.. x stop2 bace bio tu.. huhu.. mmg mcm ape je.. asyik pk " eh , nieyh aq x bc lg.." , "eh aq x igt la yg nieyh".. "aq da bc da yg tu tp ape ekk?" bile kul 4, mmg release gile !! haha.. rase mcm da lepaskn everything !! huhu..
Pape pown, redha je la ngan result nnty !! sob sob..
cik thielah .
ReplyDeletebdk account dgn rc exam awal la SPM nunte .
kte yg BIO ny mmg every YEAR EXAM ari LAST .
account balek lmbt sbb ad program dgn cg hajeerah la .