Last saturday, it was my Acu's wedding

JEMENTAH,SEGAMAT, JOHOR.. During the morning was the
AKAD NIKAH session.. They

couple wore
GREY !! and the ceremony was held in the surau nearby the residents.. The wedding was held that afternoon just outside the surau.. The theme was
RED+BLACK !! So everyone in the family wore
RED n BLACK on that day..
Dina, Maya , Ina, Isya n I were the
BRIDESMADES.. Yeah, i cant believe
im one of it either.. LOL :)
Afrina was supposed to be apart ,but IDK, she dont wanna be.. haha.. Eventho it was raining on that day (late afternoon) but the ceremony went on
smoothly and perfectly.. Thank God it wasnt raining while we were marching, if else .. idk what to say !! btw, the birdesmades
L.O.V.E the outfit !! hehe.. here are some of the pics cos
actions speaks louder that words ryte !!

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