"Injection.. what shud i feel ryte now?"
Then, my frenz asked why im up for an injection.. malu la nk open sgt an.. tp biar la.. hehe.. it was actually the vaccine for Cervical Cancer.. alaaa yg 13 and above kene tu.. hehe.. Mahal kowt nk inject tu.. inject sket je tp mahal nk mmpus..

Dr ckp the second dose will be a month after my first injection and the third one will be about 3 months after that.. huhu.. so kirenye mcm oke la ann.. Dr ckp gak klu awal x pe jgn lambat.. huhu.. dga mcm seyez je..

Mase nk cucuk tu x de la cuak sgt.. mcm excited sbnarnye.. ye la.. da lame x kene inject an ,

p/s : dhira natasya . semoga soalan anda terjawab !!

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