Salam.. hehe.. okay.. for this entry, i wanna talk about two of my

best friend since in primary skul.. hehe.. specially dedicated to her !!
Okay.. their names are
JAZMINA.. Jazmina is my best bud in
SKSI2.. We still keep intouch with each other.. altho we seldom chat, but still .. it's wonderful.. i sure hope it will happen to my other buddies.. u know.. stay in touch n be
chilhood frenz.. wahh !! or maybe teenhood frenz !! haha.. It's cool that we know that we are
still remebered !! huhu..
A lot of fun this i did with JAZ like sleepover, hanging out, merepek-repek, being hactic and noisy, sharing secrets

.. huhu.. i also remember that we banned our
'so-called enemy' 
.. haha.. mcm ape je an.. then remember our project and dreams?? the dream that we wanna produce the "story" we created and you are the directer??

haha.. anyway, it was the best story history has ever made !!
sungguh tinggi imaginasi kite ann?? haha
huhu.. missed the old times jaz .. and im really hoping that i could spend some more time with you.. *hopefully kite dpt hang* and im so grateful to have a BFF like yeww.. ILY,

haha.. mcm geli ann.. haha.. hope that we will be

BFF forever..
p/s: remember our
challenge kay?

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